
Connect 4 Program Python


I am doing a connect for game on python. This program is all text - based so no gui is needed. I need a piece of coding to ask the user of the program the dimensions (number of rows and columns) the board should have followed by the win length using row_length_prompt = 'Number of rows. I am doing a connect for game on python. Deus Ex Human Revolution Patch 1.2.633 more.

Connect 4 Python Program

Connect 4 in Python - or 'How to build a board?' I gotta write a little Connect 4 game in Python. Install Virtualbox Without Admin Privileges On Vista here. Trouble with a Java connect 4 program - 2 replies. A simple Connect Four game in Python. Users owner Desktop Documents AA KalMan html python python 3.3.3 more different code from web c4.py.

Connect 4 Program Python

This program is all text - based so no gui is needed. I need a piece of coding to ask the user of the program the dimensions (number of rows and columns) the board should have followed by the win length using row_length_prompt = 'Number of rows: ' column_length_prompt = 'Number of columns: ' win_length_prompt = 'Win Length: ' Example: Number of rows: 5 Number of columns: 4 Win length: 3 Any comments inside the code would be appreciated. Best Answer: All you need is the code to ask the user to input the values?

That's easy enough: row_length_prompt = 'Number of rows: ' column_length_prompt = 'Number of columns: ' win_length_prompt = 'Win Length: ' num_rows = int(raw_input(row_length_prompt)) num_cols = int(raw_input(column_length_prompt)) win_length = int(raw_input(win_length_prompt)) In lieu of comments, I'll just explain here what each line is doing. The function raw_input() takes as a parameter whatever you want the prompt to be, so you just plug in the prompt you want to use like so: raw_input(row_length_prompt). I then enclose the results in an int constructor because raw_input() returns a string, and you want to convert that into an actual number you can use in your program. • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. • You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM.

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I need to ask the user how many rows and how many columns the user would like so my game can handle whatever sized boards but i don't know how to change my code. Here's my connect 4 code that's for a 6x7 board. Import random def winner(board): ''This function accepts the Connect 4 board as a parameter. If there is no winner, the function will return the empty string '.

If the user has won, it will return 'X', and if the computer has won it will return 'O'.'

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