
Macbeth Summary

Macbeth Summary

The Tragedy of Macbeth: Plot Summary Acts 3, 4, and 5 directory search Macbeth: Plot Summary (Acts 3, 4 and 5) Act 3, Scene 1 The act opens at the royal castle on the day of a great feast to celebrate Macbeth's coronation. Banquo is the first to enter the great dining hall. The prophecy of the Witches races through his mind, and he begins to believe that Macbeth himself was responsible for the fulfillment of the Hags' prediction.

A short summary of William Shakespeare's Macbeth. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of Macbeth. Honest names for all the books you'll have to read in English class.

He thinks upon his own destiny as foretold by the Witches. If Macbeth is now king, Banquo is sure to father future kings. A trumpet sounds and King Macbeth and his Queen enter the hall with Lennox, Ross, and a long parade of servants. Macbeth is very concerned with Banquo's activities for the day, and asks him where he plans to go before dinner begins. Banquo tells him that he and his son, Fleance, are going to ride on the vast castle grounds in the afternoon, but he assures Macbeth he will not miss the feast.

Complete summary of William Shakespeare's Macbeth. ENotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of Macbeth. Macbeth Summary Macbeth receives a prophecy from a trio of witches who predict that he will become Thane of Cawdor and 'king hereafter.' His wife, Lady Macbeth, urges him to seize the opportunity and take the throne.

Macbeth orders everyone to take the afternoon for himself and be 'the master of his time' until seven that evening, when the banquet will commence. Everyone rushes off, except Macbeth and a servant. He asks the servant to bring in two men that have been waiting at the palace gate.

Alone for a brief moment, Macbeth reveals his plan to have Banquo and Fleance murdered while they are out riding. Killing now comes easier to Macbeth and he will gladly slay his friend and his child if it means securing the throne for his own lineage.

The servant returns with the men whom Macbeth has commissioned to kill Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth gives them some final instructions and sends them on their way. As the scene comes to a close, we see Macbeth's transformation into a evil villain now complete: 'It is concluded: Banquo, thy soul's flight/If it find heaven, must find it out to-night.' Act 3, Scene 2 In another room in the castle, Lady Macbeth orders a servant to find her husband. Lady Macbeth is not as happy as she thought she would be as Queen of Scotland, and, although she hides it better than Macbeth, the murder is all that she can think about.

Pc Tools File Recover Crack Serial Keygen on this page. Despite the fact that they now have exactly what they desired, Lady Macbeth confesses that they have gained nothing and lost everything by killing Duncan: 'Nought's had, all's spent' (3.2.4). Macbeth enters and he too admits to consuming feelings of guilt and fear.

He laments 'In the affliction of these terrible dreams/That shake us nightly: better be with the dead' (3.2.18-9). Lady Macbeth wants to think of other, more pleasant things, and she tells her husband to be happy and enjoy his feast. Macbeth informs her that he has decided to kill Banquo and Fleance.

She asks for details but, to save her from further guilt, Macbeth will not tell her any more: 'Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck' (3.2.44-6). Act 3, Scene 3 The two murderers set out to find Banquo and Fleance, riding on the palace grounds. A third murderer joins them, sent by Macbeth to ensure the killing is carried out according to plan. They hear horses approach. It is Banquo and his son, walking toward the stables, talking about the fun of the day.

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