
Followliker Instagram Edition Nathan


Use an Instagram Proxy for FollowLiker to automate multiple Instagram accounts. Easy to follow guide will have you set up in minutes. Click here to learn. Followliker Tutorial Instagram edition with. To free version of Followliker Instagram Edition. This is NOT a cracked version of Followliker Instagram.

Digipro Wp4030 Driver here. This a guide that is prepared better than FL did. I read both guides.

However, i have still some questions in my mind. Could you please answer them?


1- Why did you install two FL on you PC? What are the advantages of this? 2- How can i do that? Do i just need to install FL two times? Are they able to work simultaneously? 3- On comment settings, do i need to open new window for each comment that i will add?

Or can i type all my comments on a one window? 4- “Accounts per proxy”: i have 10 accounts on FL. Five of them use my real ip. The others, i assigned an ip that i bought. So, what number do i need to type that section? 5- “copy to other account(s)” I will use this option to make all the other accounts same as the one i clicked. Is that correct?

6- “queries”: on “popular” section, do i need to add hashtags? 7- “Scheduling photos ” FL support says that if i want to share 1 picture every hour, i need to set photo share limit 1-1 and automation interval 60 minutes. However, when i do that, all my other activities affect. Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale Pdf Document. (following) how can i fix it? Sory for my long writing. Thanks in advance! G-force Crack on this page.

Hi sukru, Thanks a lot for the kind words. I do not install FL twice, I just run two instances of it. The reason is because if you want to bot your accounts (follow, like, comment etc) you have to set your global “Automation Time” to a few minutes (2-4 or something). If you want to schedule uploads on your accounts, you have to change the “Automation Time” to a few hours (at least for me). This can’t be achieved in a single instance of FollowLiker, so you have to open a new one. You just open the program twice.

slbio – 2018