
Download Free Cacti F5 Host Template Software

Download Free Cacti F5 Host Template SoftwareDownload Free Cacti F5 Host Template Software

Huge set of templates here for BigIP v10. Broadly I've tried to pull out most of the useful stuff from the Global and LTM MIBs. File comment: Pool Member - packets per second in/out eg.png [ 61. Microsoft Report Viewer Winforms 94 KiB Viewed 25609 times ] I think these are a good improvement over the previous v9 graphs but needs some testing on various platforms.

Download Cacti. The latest stable version is 1.1.35, released 02/11/18. Cacti requires MySQL, PHP, RRDTool, net-snmp, and a webserver that supports PHP such as Apache. Cacti F5 Host Template. An agent is a software module residing within a device. Click below to try IT Management and Monitoring Tools FREE. Cacti host template for dlink Free Download for Windows 5 Template. 74 Shareware. Toaster is a web design tool for designing themes and.

So please let me know. N Attachments: File comment: Updated version: rename as v9 is supported, a few patches mentioned in the thread [46.53 KiB] Downloaded 1997 times File comment: Host Template and Data Query XMLs [49.28 KiB] Downloaded 4250 times _________________ Aruba MC: Bind 9.6 stats: Cisco VLAN Stats: forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=26800 DHCPD stats: Enterasys CPU: F5 BigIP v10: Last edited by on Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total. Hi, First of all - thanks very much for the v10-templates! I've got them running under Version 0.8.7h by importing 'cacti_host_template_f5_bigip_v1.xml' followed by all the other '.xml's from your zip-file via the gui. The only issue I'm having is this: When I add a new host and go for 'Create Graphs for this Host' I'm getting 'Error in data query.' For Data Query [F5 BigIP - Interface Statistics] Data Query [F5 BigIP - LTM Member Statistics] Data Query [F5 BigIP - LTM Pool Statistics] Data Query [F5 BigIP - LTM VS Statistics] I'm enclosing a screenshot sou you get the idea of how this looks like. Thanks much in advance for any clue, -ewald Attachments: f5-error-while-generate-graphs.jpg [ 120.01 KiB Viewed 25484 times ].

$ pwd /var/www/cacti/resource/snmp_queries $ ls -1 f5_bigip*xml f5_bigip_if.xml f5_bigip_ltm_member.xml f5_bigip_ltm_pool.xml f5_bigip_ltm_vs.xml Hi, Well sure, I missed this completely. Now I've got all the xml-files in place, don't get any of the errors mentioned above, but unfortunately all F5 related graphs only show up empty. Whichever graph I select, be it 'F5 Global - Connection Rate' or 'F5 TMM - CPU Cycles' I only get 'nan' values. The cacti log file doesn't hold any meaningful information, esp no error messages. Also note that cacti can contact the F5-box in question since I get the system status including hostname, uptime etc. Displayed for the device.

The box in question runs BIG-IP 10.2.3 Build 112.0 Final; my cacti-version is 0.8. Crash Crash And Bernstein. 7h. Any ideas as to why I don't get any F5-related data into Cacti?

Thanks much for your help, -ewald. Many of the oids in the MIB returned empty for my system and these are mostly not included here. YMMV depending on your model.

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