
4 Bit Serial Adder Subtractor

4 Bit Serial Adder Subtractor

Due to recent changes by Oracle, java applets have become difficult to run in the browser. To mitigate the troubles, Oracle has provided the following websites to help users troubleshoot: and Even after following the above instructions, loading applets may still show warning concerning “unsigned application” and “unknown publisher”.

This is a tutorial I wrote for the 'Digital Systems Design' course as an introduction to sequential design. '4-bit Serial Adder/Subtractor with Parallel Load' is a.

For Teahlab in particular, these warnings are due to the fact that we have opted not to pay a third party such as Verisign to sign our applets. Any warning that comes up when you try to run our applets should emphasize that our applets will always run with “limited access”, which is Oracle’s way of letting you know that teahlab doesn’t do anything on your computer except running the circuits you see: in other words, our applets are safe to run. Sincerely, The Teahlab Team. Introduction A serial adder is a digital circuit that can add any two arbitrarily large numbers using a single full adder. Just as humans, the serial adder operates on one pair of bits/digits at a time. When you add the two 4–digit numbers 7852 and 1974, for example, you typically start by adding 2 plus 4 equal 6, then 5 plus 7 equal 12 (place 2 and carry the 1), and so on. Similarly, given the two 4–bit numbers 1011 and 0110, the serial adder starts by adding 1 plus 0 equal to 1, and then 1 plus 1 equal to 10 (place 0 and carry the 1), and so on.

For a general demonstration, both a human person and a serial adder follow the same sequential method. Given two 4–figure numbers A 3A 2A 1A 0 and B 3B 2B 1B 0, we add two figures at a time starting with the least significant pair, and so on. First, we do A 0 + B 0 = S 0. Second, we do A 1 + B 1 + carry = S 1, and so on; where the S figures represent the sum: A + B = S. Notice that in the operation A 1 + B 1 + carry = S1, carry is not one of the inputs being added; the inputs being added are A 1 and B 1. Furthermore, the value of carry does not depend on the inputs A 1 and B 1. Carry is simply a given condition, the consequence of something that happened in the past; namely, A 0 + B 0.

Therefore, if we were tasked to “build a circuit that can add any two binary numbers using the sequential method that humans use,” we would treat the carry variable as a state variable. (In computer engineering talk, any circuit with one or more state variables is referred to as a finite state machine. Jeff Buckley Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk Rar there. ) Since the carry variable can either be 1 or 0, we say that our circuit will be a two states machine. When the circuit is in the state where carry = 0, the relationship between the inputs A and B and the output S is such that: if AB = 00 then S = 0; if AB = 01 then S = 1; if AB = 10 then S = 1; and if AB = 11 then S = 0. When the circuit is in the state where carry = 1, it also follows that: if AB = 00 then S = 1; if AB = 01 then S = 0; if AB = 10 then S = 0; and if AB = 11 then S = 1. We illustrate these relationships in the state diagram in Figure 1. Opmanager License File Cracking.

Figure 1: State transition diagram for serial adder FSM To present the information in the state diagram in table form, we re-label the carry variable Z (Z for carry–out and z for carry–in) for convenience. We show the tabulated information in Table 1 below.

From a finite state machine analysis perspective, we say z is the present state of the machine because z is presently available as one of the inputs to the full adder; Z on the other hand is the next state because it is one of the variables we are solving for — given the inputs A, B and the present state (or the carry–in) z. K-map For Z z/AB 00 01 10 11 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 K-map For S z/AB 00 01 10 11 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 Table 2: K-maps for the next state variable Z and the output variable S S = A B z Z = A • B + A • z + B • z The reason these Boolean expressions look similar to the full adder equation is because they are the full adder expression.

slbio – 2018