
Enumerating Pre-install Packages


Becker Traffic Pro Karten Design more. Extreme slowness is a known/common problem for enumerating Win32_Products If you need an alternate solution, consider building your own list of products using the 'Uninstall' registry entries (as suggested in one of the answers to the you referred to). Some general references for enumerating Uninstall: • TechNet VBScript example: • Microsoft KB: And to do it remotely, use the WMI registry class,. TechNet even conveniently provides a simple example of using StdRegProv to do the very thing you want.

American Horizons Schaller Pdf Free. Download Card Wifi Cho Laptop Dell Free. If your developer account has been granted the appropriate permissions, you can generate and download preinstall packages so that an OEM can include your app in their OS image. Generate preinstall packages for OEMs.

Boot Camp GuideApple Enumerating Pre-install Packages
slbio – 2018